News: Maths
New tech activity ideas for the maths classroom!
Need some quick start ideas for using tech in the maths classroom?
[Read more about New tech activity ideas for the maths classroom!]
New maths webinar: Let's dive into data!
We are surrounded by data in our daily lives but do we really understand it? In this session, we will unpack different ways data can be acquired, sorted, interpreted, represented, and explore the shared focus between Mathematics and Digital Technologies.
Presenter: Sue Carter, Project Officer, CSER STEM Professional Learning Team, The University of Adelaide
This initiative is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education and is part of the Maths in Schools: Teaching and Learning Resources to Support Mathematics project.
Connecting First Nations Australian culture with Maths - Webinar Series
The CSER STEM PL team, along with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mathematics Alliance (ATSIMA), will present a 3-part webinar series on connecting culture with maths under the Maths in Schools project.
Through the webinar series, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the 3 key concepts of Culture, Country/Place and People in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures cross-curriculum priority in the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics.
The content we will be looking at through the webinar series supports the 3 online courses in the Maths in Schools professional learning project.
[Read more about Connecting First Nations Australian culture with Maths - Webinar Series]
Have you seen our Maths MOOCs?
Understanding maths and numeracy is critical for all students to navigate their world, find work and prosper in life. The Maths in Schools Professional Learning initiative offers a range of professional learning activity and information to support teachers in this critical area.
2022 STEM Aboriginal Learner Congress
The CSER Team were very pleased to be a part of the STEM Aboriginal Learner Congress again in Adelaide this year. We were fortunate to once again collaborate with our friends at ATSIMA (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mathematics Alliance) on a hands on workshop with congress participants.