Available MOOCs - (Massively Open Online Courses)
Since 2014, the CSER Team at The University of Adelaide have been developing a suite of MOOCs (Massively Open Online Courses) which are online courses, designed to support Australian teachers with implementing the Australian Curriculum, particularly in STEM related subject areas.
These accessible courses provide teachers with background knowledge about concepts and topics in the curriculum, as well as practical examples that can be tried in the classroom. We bring together existing resources, our own developed resources as well as highlighting innovative ideas from the teacher community. Each course has as an adjoining online community encouraging educators to share ideas and learn from one another.
To further support professional learning as a whole school approach, we have developed a series of PL-in-a-Box packs aligned to some of the MOOCs. These resources are designed to support you or your team in delivering professional learning sessions, workshops or events.
For each Pack, you will find annotations that provide hints and ideas on how to run the PL workshop. Our PL Packs are provided under Creative Commons Attribution No-Commercialisation licensing, which means that you can freely use these PL packs to provide professional learning under non-commercial arrangements.
Decoding Digital Technologies [Primary] - Available
Join us for 'Decoding Digital Technologies' for the primary classroom. This course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts of the Australian Curriculum V9.0: Digital Technologies (F-6) – starting with introducing DT, to data, digital systems and designing digital solutions.
No prior knowledge necessary. Perfect for all teachers of all year levels – to understand where students are starting from. We introduce activities and examples that relate to familiar classroom activities.
This course has been developed with thanks to funding from Google Australia.
Enrol today via the button below.
Digital Technologies + X (Primary) - Available
This course extends on the first Decoding Digital Technologies course and has been updated with new content and aligned to version 9.0 of the Australian Curriculum.
Join us for Digital Technologies + X for the Primary Years - where 'X' is the application of Digital Technologies to solve problems across different domains. Learn how Digital Technologies can be used to create solutions for sustainability and new ways of communicating visual art and storytelling. Discover ways can you connect Digital Technologies with Maths and English in the classroom and uncover careers and real-world examples that can inspire learning in the classroom.
This course is designed to build your confidence in integrating Digital Technologies (V9.0) with other learning areas and to incorporate the Australian Curriculum cross-curriculum priorities across Foundation to Year 6.
We have re-launched this revised course with the support of Google Australia. The Australian Government Department of Education have also funded the development of a new module in the course: Digital Technologies + Sustainability!
Enrol today via the button below.
Teaching AI in the Classroom - Registrations open
We have two courses available for Teaching Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the classroom - one for primary teachers and one for secondary teachers. These free online courses are presented as two related parts. Firstly, we provide teachers with the necessary background information to teach and contextualise AI in the classroom. The second half of the course presents the practical implementation of classroom activities suitable for teaching AI and the concepts of AI primary or secondary years.
Registrations are open for a late August launch. Keep an eye on our socials and eNewsletter for the launch!
Teaching AI in the Primary Classroom
Teaching AI in the Secondary Classroom
The re-launch of these courses have been made possible with the support of Google Australia.
Cyber Security & Awareness - V9.0 update coming soon!
Our use of technology and access to information is growing and cyber security and awareness are now essential knowledge and skills for our digital world. Understanding how our digital world works, how it is designed to protect us and how we can keep our information safe is critical for both adults and children to learn. We have two courses available for teachers on teaching cyber security and awareness - one for primary teachers and one for secondary teachers.
Our refreshed Cyber Courses are being updated to align to V9.0 of the Australian Curriculum and will be re-launched soon. Release Date: September 2024. Sign up to our eNewsletter for updates!
Maths in Schools - Available
We offer three free online teacher professional learning courses covering Foundation to Year 10. These self-paced courses showcase maths and numeracy learning and teaching with lesson ideas, resources, current practices and pedagogies. The courses aim to build confidence and positive dispositions in maths and numeracy. They are founded on evidence-based research and pedagogy and harness the many high-quality resources and programs on the Mathematics Hub. Find out more on the Maths in Schools Professional Learning page.
We have a comprehensive range of PL-in-a-Box Packs aligned to each of the online Maths courses and they can be accessed from within each course.
Project Officer support is available to support the implementation of the courses in your school or jurisdiction. You can find out more about our support for this program and request support via our University of Adelaide Maths in Schools Professional Learning page.
Maths in Schools Online Foundation - Year 2