2022 STEM Aboriginal Learner Congress

The CSER Team were very pleased to be a part of the STEM Aboriginal Learner Congress again in Adelaide this year. We were fortunate to once again collaborate with our friends at ATSIMA (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mathematics Alliance) on a hands on workshop with congress participants.
The congress provides an opportunity for industry and education sector representatives to support Aboriginal learners in the important areas of STEM, The Young Aboriginal STEM Thinkers of Adelaide (YASTA) did an excellent job of creating an engaging event with wonderful guest speakers including past YASTA and congress participants who are now working in or studying STEM at tertiary level.
We loved working with ATSIMA to run 2 workshops on Aboriginal architecture using VR, AR & craft materials! In groups the students learned about geodesic dome structures, saw examples from different Indigenous communities and then created their own interpretations using CoSpaces on iPads, Tiltbrush on Oculus Quest VR headsets and physically with playdough, paper, tape, textas and more!
We had two very noisy, happy and engaged groups of students over the two days and we hope to support the event next year! It was very inspiring and we thank the SA Department for Education on inviting us to the event.
Thanks also to the Australian Government Department of Education for supporting the CSER National Lending Library.