Thank you and we wish you a happy festive season!

2024 has been a very big year for the CSER Team. We hit several milestones, having now exceeded over 50,000 participants across our programs since we began with a small pilot ten years ago! That pilot expanded to a national program of professional learning delivery to educators across Australia aligned to the then newly formed Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies (DT).
The MOOCs were only part of the program though and with the support of the Australian Government Department of Education we were able to bring on a wonderful team of experienced teachers as project officers, passionate about DT and wanting to share their expertise with teachers across the country. Complementing this was the establishment of the CSER National Lending Library, also made possible by the Australian Government support.
Since that time, we have grown to include courses across the cyber security, artificial intelligence (AI) and mathematics space. Through late 2023 and across this year we have relaunched our Cyber Security and Awareness MOOCs, Teaching AI in the Classroom MOOCs, Decoding Digital Technologies MOOC and the Digital Technologies + X MOOC showcasing important links between DT with Sustainability, Maths and English. The updated MOOCs all now align to V 9.0 of the Australian Curriculum and contain updated resources, videos and classroom ideas. Thank you to Google Australia for supporting the updates of the CSER suite of technology MOOCs and to the Australian Government Department of Education for supporting the Sustainability module.
We have been fortunate to continue to travel across the country working with educators, finding brilliant champions for change and making the most of robotic equipment from the library. We have received so many stories from teachers and students sharing how they have used a CSER library kit to enhance their teaching and learning. It is always a delight to open a returned kit and find a handmade thank you card or equally encouraging to receive an online feedback form from a very busy teacher who has taken the time to offer their thoughts on the library experience! We are always looking for ways to improve our service across all aspects of CSER!
We are delighted to share that we have secured funding to the end of 2025 to continue the delivery of the National CSER Lending Library with thanks to the support of the Australian Government Department of Education.
In the Maths in Schools Professional Learning project we have hit another milestone with over 5000 participants across our online courses, workshops and webinars since launching across 2023. Our team has been very busy delivering workshops at maths conferences across the country throughout the year meeting dedicated educators looking to refresh or learn new skills. Across all of our programs we have enjoyed working with a broad spectrum of educators looking for different kinds of support from highly experienced experts, out of field teachers to enthusiastic pre-service teachers and everything in between. The nature of our self-paced courses and shared community places for teachers to share and learn with each other seems to be one of the many popular aspects of CSER’s offerings.
We are thankful to have collaborated with wonderful partners again this year including the brilliant teams at ATSIMA, Jesse King, Education Services Australia, Refraction Media, Google, Australian Government Department of Education, SA Museum, SA Aboriginal Student STEM Congress, Maths Associations across Australia, Digital Tech teacher associations and more!
Thank you to our wonderful team for your talent, commitment and hard work!
Most importantly thank you to all of the wonderful educators across Australia working hard every day in and out of the classroom! Our kids are lucky to have you and we love your work! We look forward to working with you all again in 2025.
Wishing you a safe and relaxing festive season.
All the best
The CSER Team