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Feature Lesson Plan - Human Anatomy with Virtuali-tee

AR Virtuali tee

This lesson plan is suitable for Year 9-10 but can be adapted down to Year 5-6. 

[Read more about Feature Lesson Plan - Human Anatomy with Virtuali-tee]

Feature Resource: AI, AR, VR & Emerging Tech Quick Guide

cover page to quick guide on AI AR VR and EMerging Tech

If you are thinking about integrating emerging technologies into your classroom but need some background understanding on this exciting area, the Quick Guide is a great place to start.

[Read more about Feature Resource: AI, AR, VR & Emerging Tech Quick Guide]

Resource: New Artificial Intelligence (AI) lesson plan

Happy Pets App - images of dog running and cat and dog sitting together

Ever wondered what mood your pet is in? This new lesson plan: How can you tell when your pet is happy? based on the app 'Happy Pets' explores how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to assess images of pets and to predict their mood. 

[Read more about Resource: New Artificial Intelligence (AI) lesson plan]

Resource: Looking for ways to explain AI & machine learning to your students?

AI ML cat images from DT hub video

If you are looking for an engaging way to introduce your students to the concepts of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the Digital Technologies Hub have released two excellent videos for that purpose!

[Read more about Resource: Looking for ways to explain AI & machine learning to your students?]

Upcoming Events - AR, VR and AI

teachers learning

The CSER Team are looking forward to delivering two new events:

[Read more about Upcoming Events - AR, VR and AI ]

School Story: Virtual Reality at Gleeson College, South Australia

examples of students using CSER VR Oculus kit at Gleeson College

Gleeson College, in South Australia was one of the first to borrow a CSER Virtual Reality Oculus Quest Kit from the CSER AI, AR and VR National Lending Library. They grabbed this opportunity with gusto and have been able to use the kit across multiple year levels and subject areas. Despite the pandemic, Gleeson students were able to experience virtual travel and connection with international students via their engagement in VR. Melissa O'Loughlin from Gleeson has documented their experience for us to share with the CSER community. 

[Read more about School Story: Virtual Reality at Gleeson College, South Australia]

CSER AR,VR and AI Library Kits

AR Virtuali tee

While the main CSER Library is currently on hiatus, the smaller AR, VR and AI library continues to be available to schools. 

[Read more about CSER AR,VR and AI Library Kits]

Video Resource: A Deep Dive into Augmented Reality!

Deep Dive into AR real world examples

If you have been looking for ideas on how to integrate Augmented Reality related activities into the classroom, this resource is a good place to begin. In November 2020, Helen Kardiasmenos, CSER NSW Project Officer and Dr Rebecca Vivian, CSER Research Fellow, presented a webinar exploring the many possibilities of using Augmented Reality in the classroom. 

[Read more about Video Resource: A Deep Dive into Augmented Reality! ]

Video Resource: Dive in to Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence

screen shot of VR experiences in classroom

Last year the Digital Technologies Hub hosted a webinar on using Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence in the classroom. Presenters Martin Richards, Content Manager, Digital Technologies Hub (Education Services Australia) and Dr Rebecca Vivian, CSER Research Fellow, presented a webinar introducing educators to the possibilities of using VR, AR and AI in the classroom. 

[Read more about Video Resource: Dive in to Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence]

What a year!

Happy holidays image

What a year it has been. We want to wish you all a very happy and relaxing break over the Christmas holidays. We have always know how important teachers are but this year has highlighted it even more! Thank you for the brilliant work you do. 

[Read more about What a year!]

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