Feature Lesson Plan - AR Solar System with Metaverse

Augmented Reality (AR) involves “augmenting” reality with layers of digital information. In Digital Technologies, applications that use AR are created to enhance a user’s experience. In this lesson, students are thinking about the ways that digital technologies, and layers of digital content, can be designed to teach someone subject matter.
In this lesson, students explore our Solar System in Augmented Reality (AR). Students start by exploring a set of AR flashcards that present the Sun and Planets in our Solar System and then go on to use the Metaverse App to create their own AR solar system experience based on research.
In this activity, students are engaged in evaluating the AR flashcards and considering how they could build their own AR experience about the solar system. In doing so they are thinking about the digital content and ways of presenting information as “augmented” layers of digital information.
Access the AR Solar System with Metaverse Lesson Plan here.
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