News: #LendingLibrary

CSER National Lending Library brings Augmented Reality to your classroom!

Lending Library Merge Cubes

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that combines digital information with the real world. It can motivate deep student learning and engagement as well as fostering collaboration and creativity. The Merge Cube provides an Augmented Reality trigger that launches with any of the Merge EDU apps. It provides learners with an interactive experience where their content comes to life. Our CSER Lending Library Augmented Reality kits provide great opportunities for students to explore, play and problem-solve with STEM within their own classrooms.

[Read more about CSER National Lending Library brings Augmented Reality to your classroom!]

Your Stories - St John the Baptist Catholic School

Coding with Dash robots

As the 2024 school year draws to a close, we have enjoyed hearing from many educators in schools around the country about how their students have engaged with our CSER Lending Library kits in their classrooms during Term 4. 

[Read more about Your Stories - St John the Baptist Catholic School]

Your Stories - University of Canberra

CoSpaces app

The CSER Lending Library was delighted to welcome the University of Canberra's Faculty of Education to our library community this term. The Pre-Service Teachers engaged with our Mixed Augmented Reality Kit to share and experience a range of digital tools for classroom integration as part of exploring Digital Technologies and wicked problems. Thank you to the University of Canberra's Doctoral Lecturer in Education, Lucy Bennett, who shared how they used the library kit this term.

[Read more about Your Stories - University of Canberra]

Your Stories - Netley Kindergarten

CSER Ozobots

It's been another busy term in the CSER National Lending Library! Our free Digital Technologies kits continue to provide great opportunities for students to explore, play and problem-solve with STEM within their own classrooms around the country. Our Ozobot Kits are a great example, allowing students to experience hands-on learning in a variety of ways including colour coded mapping and coding with algorithms.

[Read more about Your Stories - Netley Kindergarten]

Your Stories - St Columba's Primary School

Kai's Clan robotics and coding

St Columba's Primary School in Victoria was one of the first schools to borrow the new Kai’s Clan Kits from our CSER National Lending Library and implement it into their Digital Technology teaching and learning! Kai’s Clan, which is new to our CSER Lending Library for 2024, is a collaborative all-in-one coding platform that encompasses several technologies including robotics, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence.

[Read more about Your Stories - St Columba's Primary School ]

Feature Video: Augmented Reality simulations with Merge Cubes

screen shot of slide how do merge cubes work

Merge cubes are a versatile and cost effective learning tool for exploring both augmented and virtual reality. In this video, CSER Project Officer, Sue Carter, together with Helen Kardiasmenos share the fundamentals and some examples on how to get started with merge cubes in the classroom. 

[Read more about Feature Video: Augmented Reality simulations with Merge Cubes]

School Story: Virtual Reality at Gleeson College, South Australia

examples of students using CSER VR Oculus kit at Gleeson College

Gleeson College, in South Australia was one of the first to borrow a CSER Virtual Reality Oculus Quest Kit from the CSER AI, AR and VR National Lending Library. They grabbed this opportunity with gusto and have been able to use the kit across multiple year levels and subject areas. Despite the pandemic, Gleeson students were able to experience virtual travel and connection with international students via their engagement in VR. Melissa O'Loughlin from Gleeson has documented their experience for us to share with the CSER community. 

[Read more about School Story: Virtual Reality at Gleeson College, South Australia]

CSER AR,VR and AI Library Kits

AR Virtuali tee

While the main CSER Library is currently on hiatus, the smaller AR, VR and AI library continues to be available to schools. 

[Read more about CSER AR,VR and AI Library Kits]

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