CSER AR,VR and AI Library Kits

While the main CSER Library is currently on hiatus, the smaller AR, VR and AI library continues to be available to schools.
The following kits can be requested via the CSER Lending Library page:
- Augmenting Reality Kit
- Augmented Reality in Space Kit
- Virtual Reality Quest Kit
- Virtual Reality Lenovo Daydream Kit
- Merge Cube Kit
Library kits include lesson plan exemplars which can also be freely accessed for download from the CSER Lending Library Page. The lesson exemplars are particularly useful if your school already has access to any of the equipment mentioned above and seeking new lesson ideas linked to the Digital Technologies Curriculum.
If your school has access to VR equipment and you need some tips for getting started, this video is designed for you. Ben Jucius, CSER SA Project Officer developed this useful resource last year to help schools in setting up a CSER Virtual Reality kit. The tips and suggestions covered by Ben would be applicable to many VR resources available in schools.