CSER YouTube Videos on Demand
The CSER YouTube page has a range of webinars and short, on demand, videos available for viewing in your own time.
Season's Greetings

After another big year, the CSER STEM PL Team would like to wish you a happy and relaxing break over the festive season.
Upcoming Event - VR in Schools - What is Possible?

Join us for our upcoming webinar on making the most of Virtual Reality across the school. Gleeson College in Adelaide were one of the first schools to borrow a CSER Lending Library Oculus VR Kit and they made the most of the opportunity using the VR equipment in creative and diverse ways across the curriculum and year levels.
[Read more about Upcoming Event - VR in Schools - What is Possible?]
CSER Resources Page
If you are looking for resources to support your classroom activity, professional learning goals or families, look no further than the CSER Resources Page.
CSER on demand videos for holiday PL
Throughout the year our project team have worked on a series of live webinars and pre-recorded videos to share ideas and concepts for the classroom on a wide range of topics including cyber security, augmented reality, leadership, data, Aboriginal story telling with AR, hour of code, merge cubes, metaverse and much more!
Using Merge Cubes in the Classroom
What is a merge cube? Have you thought about using them in the classroom?
Upcoming Events - CSER Webinar Series

The CSER Team have been busy developing a series of webinars and online workshops covering a range of issues for implementing digital technologies into the classroom, looking at specific resources, considering the important role of leadership and more.
Supporting Teachers Navigating the Remote Learning Landscape

Feeling a bit overwhelmed with the pace of change at the moment? You are not alone, together we will work through it! Toni Falusi, our Canberra based Project Officer shared this insight into recent changes for our work and how we can support you.
[Read more about Supporting Teachers Navigating the Remote Learning Landscape]
CSER visits the Torres Strait Islands
Recently CSER Project Officers, Lauren Stanhope and Laura Ferguson, had the opportunity to work with teachers on Thursday Island, following Lauren's visit last year to work with Teacher Aides.
Your Stories - St Mark's Fawkner - Maths Collective
In April 2018, we reported on a group of Victorian Catholic schools forming a Maths Collective. Almost a year on, we hear from Daniela Lazzarro, St Mark’s Fawkner, about the impact our project has had on their Collective.
[Read more about Your Stories - St Mark's Fawkner - Maths Collective ]