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The Girls in STEM Toolkit - Classroom strategies for inclusive learning environments

CSER Researcher, Dr Rebecca Vivian, partnered with Education Services Australia to undertake research into inclusive STEM learning and teaching to produce a practical evidence-based guide for teachers based on the 7 Principles for Inclusive STEM learning environments. 

[Read more about The Girls in STEM Toolkit - Classroom strategies for inclusive learning environments]

CSER partners with Digital Tech Hub to deliver free webinars!

This year CSER partnered with the Digital Technologies Hub to deliver a series of webinars covering Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Inclusive STEM design practices, that you can now watch on-demand! 

[Read more about CSER partners with Digital Tech Hub to deliver free webinars! ]

CSER's ABC of DT Book

image of cover of alphabet book

Our Project Officers have been working hard to create this comprehensive resource just in time for holiday reading!

[Read more about CSER's ABC of DT Book ]

CSER Resources Page

image of CSER Resources Page

If you are looking for resources to support your classroom activity, professional learning goals or families, look no further than the CSER Resources Page

[Read more about CSER Resources Page]

CSER on demand videos for holiday PL

image of cser youtube channel home page

Throughout the year our project team have worked on a series of live webinars and pre-recorded videos to share ideas and concepts for the classroom on a wide range of topics including cyber security, augmented reality, leadership, data, Aboriginal story telling with AR, hour of code, merge cubes, metaverse and much more! 

[Read more about CSER on demand videos for holiday PL]

How can we measure computing education around the world?

The Raspberry Pi Foundation hosts regular online seminars focusing on current computing education research topics, featuring presentations from researchers from around the world. The seminars showcase some of the latest work in the field of computing education research. Recently, work undertaken by CSER Researchers was presented as part of this series.

[Read more about How can we measure computing education around the world? ]

Have you seen our activities for home?

what problem are you trying to solve for your toy- slide

Empowering students to create their preferred futures by solving problems, creating solutions and inspiring innovation are key aims of the Digital Technologies curriculum. Core to achieving these aims is Design Thinking, Systems Thinking and Computational Thinking. 

[Read more about Have you seen our activities for home?]

Become a Cyber Security Champion with CSER!

We are seeking passionate educators to champion our latest Cyber Security and Awareness resources in schools. You don't need to be a cyber security expert - just passionate about raising awareness and engaging teachers and students! 

[Read more about Become a Cyber Security Champion with CSER! ]

Using Merge Cubes in the Classroom

What is a merge cube? Have you thought about using them in the classroom?

[Read more about Using Merge Cubes in the Classroom]

Upcoming Events - CSER Webinar Series

Cover page of CSER Slide deck for webinar presentations

The CSER Team have been busy developing a series of webinars and online workshops covering a range of issues for implementing digital technologies into the classroom, looking at specific resources, considering the important role of leadership and more. 

[Read more about Upcoming Events - CSER Webinar Series]

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