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Upcoming professional development workshops

Years 9-10: Explore!

CSER Project Officers are based across the country and are available to run free Digital Technologies workshops for your school. 

[Read more about Upcoming professional development workshops ]

Your Stories - Isabella State School - QLD

students using sphero on obstacle course

CSER provided Isabella State School with a Sphero class kit in Term 2, 2019. The kit was used in Tinkerlab during lunchtimes with both the junior and senior school. We downloaded the Sphero Education app onto our class ipad set and, in the first few sessions, both senior and junior students explored the drive functionality.

[Read more about Your Stories - Isabella State School - QLD]

CSER visits the Torres Strait Islands

Laura and Lauren at Tagai State College, Thursday Island

Recently CSER Project Officers, Lauren Stanhope and Laura Ferguson, had the opportunity to work with teachers on Thursday Island, following Lauren's visit last year to work with Teacher Aides.

[Read more about CSER visits the Torres Strait Islands]

NAIDOC Week 2019

NAIDOC Week logo 2019, Voice, Treaty, Truth

2019 NAIDOC Week is based upon the theme of Voice, Treaty, Truth. Your school can explore this theme with the helpful resources available on the NAIDOC website. One of the featured activities is to create a poster to help students consider the meaning of the theme - for example what does the term treaty mean and why is it important. Students can explore the featured poster to interpret the artist's meaning and they can create their own poster. 

[Read more about NAIDOC Week 2019]

What are our Project Officers up to?

Our CSER Project Officers in each state and territory love sharing tweets of what they are doing in Digital Technologies workshops and sessions in schools around Australia. 

[Read more about What are our Project Officers up to?]

You're invited to participate in an international survey

You are invited to participate in a research study that is examining the current state of computing education in primary and secondary schools across several different countries, including Australia.

[Read more about You're invited to participate in an international survey]

Your Stories - St Mark's Fawkner - Maths Collective

In April 2018, we reported on a group of Victorian Catholic schools forming a Maths Collective. Almost a year on, we hear from Daniela Lazzarro, St Mark’s Fawkner, about the impact our project has had on their Collective. 

[Read more about Your Stories - St Mark's Fawkner - Maths Collective ]

Your Stories - Watsonia Primary School, VIC

girls using micro:bits kits

"I tend to learn with the kids” says Digital Technology Specialist and classroom teacher and CSER MOOC participant Ingrid.

[Read more about Your Stories - Watsonia Primary School, VIC]

New MOOCs: Teaching AI in primary and secondary classrooms

robot reading

We are thrilled to announce that we have been funded by Google Australia to bring you two new massively open online courses (MOOCs) about teaching Artificial Intelligence (AI) in primary and secondary classrooms!

[Read more about New MOOCs: Teaching AI in primary and secondary classrooms]

Upcoming professional development workshops

Years 9-10: Explore!

CSER Project Officers are based across the country and are available to run free Digital Technologies workshops for your school. 

[Read more about Upcoming professional development workshops]