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New MOOCs on Teaching Cyber Security & Awareness!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of two new massively open online courses (MOOCs) for K-12 teachers on teaching Cyber Security and Awareness in schools.

[Read more about New MOOCs on Teaching Cyber Security & Awareness!]

Top 10 Reasons why you should teach Cyber Security in schools today

Our use of technology across all aspects of our daily lives is increasing and this is the same for our students. Why should we worry about teaching cyber security in schools? We provide our 10 top reasons. 

[Read more about Top 10 Reasons why you should teach Cyber Security in schools today]

How can I teach about cyber security in the primary classroom?

Cyber security provides an increasingly important and relevant context for teaching key areas of the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies and ICT Capabilities. Here we highlight a few example ideas from our latest cyber security MOOC for K-6 Teachers. 

[Read more about How can I teach about cyber security in the primary classroom?]

ACA Cyber Security Challenges for High School Students

The Australian Computing Academy has released a number of exciting cyber security challenges free for school students.

[Read more about ACA Cyber Security Challenges for High School Students]

Careers with Cyber Security

Cyber Security Magazine

Wondering what Cyber Security career options are available for your students?

[Read more about Careers with Cyber Security]

Upcoming Webinar - Hey Google, How do I teach AI in the classroom?

Are you curious about teaching Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning in the classroom but not sure where to start? We engage with AI every day, from using virtual assistants to help us find information quickly to playing with the latest social media filters!

[Read more about Upcoming Webinar - Hey Google, How do I teach AI in the classroom?]

How Do You Plan an Education Research Study?

Dr Rebecca Vivian and her international K-12 Computer Science (CS) education colleagues were accepted to present a special workshop session about conducting K-12 quantitative computing education research at the 2020 SIGCSE (Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education) Conference in the US in March. The session aimed to up-skill interested researchers and educators new to research. 

[Read more about How Do You Plan an Education Research Study?]

Celebrate Scratch Month with CSER's Scratch Challenges

30 day challenge of Scratch

Scratch is a fun and visual programming tool developed by MIT used by children in over 150 countries and available in over 40 languages.

[Read more about Celebrate Scratch Month with CSER's Scratch Challenges]

Thank you to our CSER Project Officers

CSER team photo

The CSER Team is made up of a group of passionate Digital Technology fans from the education sector based across Australia. Drawn together by a common purpose to support teachers and students in this critical area, we have been so fortunate to work with thousands of teachers and schools for the past 3 and half years. Our team members have spent countless hours preparing engaging interactive workshops, travelling far and wide by car, plane, train and sometimes ferry to reach teachers in both metro and remote locations. 

[Read more about Thank you to our CSER Project Officers]

Thank you Eva!


A big thank you and farewell to Eva from the CSER Lending Library. Eva has played a central role in the smooth running of the CSER Lending Library, processing loan requests, setting up kits and communicating with schools.

[Read more about Thank you Eva! ]

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