Top 10 Reasons why you should teach Cyber Security in schools today

Our use of technology across all aspects of our daily lives is increasing and this is the same for our students. Why should we worry about teaching cyber security in schools? We provide our 10 top reasons. 

Woman using technology

1. Cyber security is everyone's responsibility

Our lives use technology or the Internet in some way. Good culture, behaviours and attitudes around cyber security and awareness keep us all safe. It all starts with education and awareness.

2. Cyber security education resources and support for schools already exist

CSER has free online professional learning for K-12 teachers in Cyber Security and Awareness, the Australian Computing Academy’s has Cyber Security Challenges and Refraction Media have Magazines dedicated to ‘Careers with Cyber Security’ to inspire and inform students.

3. Small mistakes can lead to serious problems

Whether it’s ‘clicking without thinking’ on an untrusted link, pop-up or sharing your password with someone you do not know, it can open up opportunities for cyber attacks. Teaching students to be cautious has benefits for their critical thinking skills. 

4. Cyber crime isn’t going away 

44 cyber attacks happen every second and this number is growing! Hackers are getting smarter but we can counteract this by educating students and citizens to be smarter - in the design of systems and protecting digital information across all industries and aspects of our lives.

5. Cyber attacks can have a serious impact on our personal lives

No one is immune to cyber attacks. Whether it be that your private photos or information were stolen, or those of company clients, cyber attacks can have devastating effects. 

6. Use of digital devices is only increasing

Did you know Google reports we own, on average, 4 connected devices per person? As students are surrounded by more and more devices and access to the Internet, teaching students about how to navigate and use all this tech safely and appropriately is essential.

7. Cyber security lessons can be fun and aligned with school curriculum

Students get to learn about how their digital world works, apply investigation and problem-solving skills to think about security and safety. Many school curricula can support the teaching of cyber security topics, whether it be integrated across subject areas as ICT Capabilities or in a standalone Digital Technologies/ Computer Science curriculum. 

8. The world is becoming more and more connected 

We are sharing 306 billion emails and 500 million tweets daily, with social media account subscriptions on the rise. We can develop students’ savviness in these digital worlds and their understanding of how they are designed to increase privacy and protection. 

9. Once posted everything is permanent on the Internet

By understanding how data is stored and retrieved and can be used against us many years later, students might think twice about posting that photo or message! 

10. Cyber security jobs are more in-demand than ever before

AustCyber claims this is a booming global sector with 52 different types of roles and 18,000 cyber security jobs needing to be filled in Australia by 2026. Exposing students to these hot digital careers may inspire a study pathway never considered before! 

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