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Your Stories - Greenwich Public School

merge cube

We always love to hear how schools are making the most of our CSER National Lending Library. Our free Digital Technologies kits provide great opportunities for students to explore, play and problem-solve with STEM within their own classrooms. Our Merge Cube kits are a great example, allowing students to experience hands-on learning in an entirely new way with augmented reality technology.  

[Read more about Your Stories - Greenwich Public School]

New Decoding Digital Technologies MOOC Launched!

image of words Decoding Digital Technologies MOOC

We are excited to welcome you to the new free CSER Decoding Digital Technologies online course (MOOC). 

[Read more about New Decoding Digital Technologies MOOC Launched! ]

New maths webinar: Let's dive into data!

Let's dive into data webinar

We are surrounded by data in our daily lives but do we really understand it? In this session, we will unpack different ways data can be acquired, sorted, interpreted, represented, and explore the shared focus between Mathematics and Digital Technologies.

Presenter: Sue Carter, Project Officer, CSER STEM Professional Learning Team, The University of Adelaide

This initiative is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education and is part of the Maths in Schools: Teaching and Learning Resources to Support Mathematics project.

[Read more about New maths webinar: Let's dive into data!]

Upcoming events in the Northern Territory

maths in schools

Looking to engage with teaching v9 Australian Curriculum: Mathematics? 

[Read more about Upcoming events in the Northern Territory]

Season’s Greetings

Seasons greetings 2023

2023 was a big year!! We launched four new free online courses in collaboration with excellent partners! We ran professional learning events across the country and online. Our team travelled to every State and Territory to share resources, deliver conference workshops and work with outstanding educators.

[Read more about Season’s Greetings]

Your stories - Red Cliffs East Primary School

Red Cliffs PS

Red Cliffs East Primary School in Victoria were one of the first schools to borrow the re-launched Beebot Sustainability Kits! We applaud their use of the kit as one of the tools they used in their wonderful collaboration with residents of a local aged care facility.

[Read more about Your stories - Red Cliffs East Primary School]

New CSER videos on demand

new videos

To celebrate the launch of our latest MOOC offering - Digital Technologies + X we have just released four new videos on the CSER YouTube channel.

[Read more about New CSER videos on demand ]

New MOOC - DT + X (Sustainability, English & Maths)

DT + X MOOC live

We are excited to share our latest free course, Digital Technologies + X  for the Primary Years - where 'X' is the application of Digital Technologies to solve problems across different domains. Learn how Digital Technologies can be used to create solutions for sustainability and new ways of communicating visual art and storytelling. Discover ways can you connect Digital Technologies with Maths and English in the classroom and uncover careers and real-world examples that can inspire learning in the classroom.

[Read more about New MOOC - DT + X (Sustainability, English & Maths)]

Connecting First Nations Australian culture with Maths - Webinar Series

promo for ATSIMA 3 part webinar series

The CSER STEM PL team, along with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mathematics Alliance (ATSIMA), will present a 3-part webinar series on connecting culture with maths under the Maths in Schools project.

Through the webinar series, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the 3 key concepts of Culture, Country/Place and People in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures cross-curriculum priority in the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics.

The content we will be looking at through the webinar series supports the 3 online courses in the Maths in Schools professional learning project.

[Read more about Connecting First Nations Australian culture with Maths - Webinar Series]

Seeking reviewers for online microcredential courses

We are seeking reviewers for The University of Adelaide School of Education online microcredential courses funded through the Australian Department of Education. The Computer Science Education Research Group (CSER) is working in partnership with the School of Education and Professional and Continuing Education (PACE) to facilitate feedback and user testing with educators.

[Read more about Seeking reviewers for online microcredential courses]

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