Your Stories - Greenwich Public School
We always love to hear how schools are making the most of our CSER National Lending Library. Our free Digital Technologies kits provide great opportunities for students to explore, play and problem-solve with STEM within their own classrooms. Our Merge Cube kits are a great example, allowing students to experience hands-on learning in an entirely new way with augmented reality technology.
Thank you to Jo Penn, a STEM teacher at Greenwich Public School, NSW, who recently shared how she incorporated one of our versatile Merge Cube kits into her students' learning about the UN Sustainable Development Goals, in particular, Responsible Consumption and Production. Jo explained, "One of the initial activities was to create a Cospaces ‘Merge Cube’ world called ‘All about Me’ which was a vision cube to see what their attitudes and hopes were for the future. Next, they viewed each other’s cubes using the Merge Cubes. They also made a 3D gadget in Tinkercad to tackle one of the world’s waste problems, and then took it into Cospaces, and some (students) created these environments using the Merge Cubes."
Jo expressed the positive contribution of the CSER Lending Library Kits within her school, "The digital equipment and programs that the CSER Team provided to our school were invaluable. We are very keen for students to experience hands-on activities using Digital Technology in order to solve problems, yet the prohibitive cost of digital equipment and the ever-advancing nature of the industry makes this difficult for schools to afford and invest in. Furthermore, schools may only use a particular device for one term a year, so it is often not cost effective."
Thank you for sharing your story, Jo.

CSER Lending Library Merge Cube
We are regularly seeking feedback from our National Lending Library community of teachers about their experiences with our range of kits.
Our Ozobot Sustainability themed kit is designed to engage students with the cross-curriculum priority of Sustainability. A school who recently used one of our Lending Library Ozobot kits shared with us that they loved the free access to this technology, along with the easy delivery and returns process. One teacher from the school said, "The entire (Lending Library) process was easy and the kit was an excellent resource for our students."
If you'd like to become a part of the CSER National Lending Library community, please register your interest in borrowing one of our Digital Technologies Kits below.