Become a Cyber Security Champion with CSER!

We are seeking passionate educators to champion our latest Cyber Security and Awareness resources in schools. You don't need to be a cyber security expert - just passionate about raising awareness and engaging teachers and students!
With funding from AustCyber, CSIRO and Google Australia we have launched two free online courses available for teachers about teaching cyber security and awareness in classrooms - one for primary teachers (K-6) and one for secondary teachers (Years 7-10). Our MOOC community is thriving with teachers sharing resources and ideas for the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies and ICT Capabilities.
To support professional learning in schools, we have developed free professional learning packs (PL-in-a-Box) for our cyber security MOOCs, that include ready made slides, activities and speaker notes, that are designed to help you engage your colleagues or teachers with our cyber security MOOCs. This could be a 'briefing' session or an ongoing series of collaborative sessions.
We are seeking 10 Educators to pilot our new Cyber Security & Awareness PL-in-a-Box packs! If you would like to find out how you can customise and use these free resources to run a PL session, please sign up via our Form and we can email you about a free upcoming coaching session by our CSER Team. In this session, we will provide an overview of our cyber security MOOCs (no need to have completed it!), present different ways you can run a PL session/s depending on your needs and time, and walk you through the use of our new PL-in-a-Box packs alongside our MOOCs.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email us at or contact Dr Rebecca Vivian. We look forward to working with you!