Indigenous Storytelling with the Stars

Indigenous Australians have always used the sky as a platform for storytelling. This connection to the stars can now take on a new dimension.
by Robin McKean, CSER WA Project Officer
Thanks to the availability of digital technologies being made available through the CSER Lending Library of AR and VR resources, we can connect with Dreaming stories and legend in order to develop a greater understanding of the universe in which we live and further learn how our 2030 Sustainability Development Goals have always been prioritised by our first Australians.
Mix Up Realities by reading and retelling the stories, relating them to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Sustainability Cross Curriculum Priorities: linking them directly to Science, HASS and English learning area outcomes and continuing the observance of the UN International Year of Indigenous Languages aimed at raising awareness and establishing a link between language, development, peace, and reconciliation especially when celebrating NAIDOC Week, Harmony Day/Week or any other celebrations of Australian history, culture and achievements.
Read the Legends and then take your class for a tour of the universe using the WorldWide Telescope and resources or The 3D Milky Way Virtual Tour of Dreamtime locations : use the Star Chart to identify and interact with the constellations and the planets from the stories: take part in a Google Expedition around the Milky Way: or immerse yourself in the 3D Augmented Reality and enjoy an Amazing Journey by having the Solar System in the palm of your hand, on your desk or on your floor.
You could gamify, use real NASA imagery and undertake a space walk to repair a space station during an Earthlight: Spacewalk or wake up and retell your own Space Dream before connecting with the Science lab and interacting with the Constellations and some interesting STEM picture book yarning stories.
Finish the immersive experience by creating your own Digital Technologies solution through the retelling of Dreaming Stories as a virtual Story Map and proving undoubtedly that after tens of thousands of years - THE SKY IS STILL THE LIMIT!