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Micro:bit - the possibilities are endless

Teachers often ask for advice on what type of Digital Technologies equipment they should invest in, as there is an ever-growing plethora of gadgets flooding the educational space. The struggle is real!
Science Week - Destination Moon
Destination Moon is the theme for Science Week this year. Coding and mathematics has played a critical role in space exploration since before we had advanced computer systems. In the early years of space exploration ‘human computers’ such as Katherine Johnson manually calculated the trajectory and flight to the moon and back. Together with other ground breaking computer scientists like Margaret Hamilton, they calculated ways to safely deliver humans to space. In fact, Margaret Hamilton, wrote the code for the Apollo mission and invented the modern concept of software that we rely on for so many things in our daily lives.
The power of the humble Beebot

The Beebot has stood the test of time, it was already in classrooms long before we had a Digital Technologies curriculum and it remains at the top of the list for most junior primary teachers.
Upcoming professional development workshops

CSER Project Officers are based across the country and are available to run free Digital Technologies workshops for your school.
[Read more about Upcoming professional development workshops ]
Your Stories - Isabella State School - QLD

CSER provided Isabella State School with a Sphero class kit in Term 2, 2019. The kit was used in Tinkerlab during lunchtimes with both the junior and senior school. We downloaded the Sphero Education app onto our class ipad set and, in the first few sessions, both senior and junior students explored the drive functionality.
[Read more about Your Stories - Isabella State School - QLD]