Upcoming professional development workshops

CSER Project Officers are based across the country and are available to run free Digital Technologies workshops for your school.
Below are a range of upcoming public workshops:
New South Wales
Meridith Ebbs will be running the following public workshops:
- 13 August 2019, Digital Technologies and NSW Syllabus - Inverell
- 12 September 2019, Teaching Technology Unplugged 2 - Port Macquarie
Helen Kardiasmenos will be running the following public workshop:
- 19 August 2019, CSER Digital Technologies Public Workshop, Carlton
Celia Coffa will be running the following public workshops:
- 22 August 2019, Digital Technologies for Diverse Learners, Wangaratta, with AASE (VIC) and DLTV
- 29 August 2019, Digital Technologies in Literacy and Mathematics, Museum Victoria – Scienceworks, with Toni Falusi