News: STEM Careers

Upcoming Digital Tech Events

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Continuing our Digital Technologies webinar series to celebrate the launch of our Decoding Digital Technologies [Primary] MOOC and Digital Technologies + X MOOC, we are excited to invite you to join our next live online event and to visit our on demand videos. This webinar series is made possible with the support of Google Australia. 

[Read more about Upcoming Digital Tech Events]

Upcoming Digital Tech Events

generic looking technology background

Continuing our Digital Technologies webinar series to celebrate the launch of our Decoding Digital Technologies [Primary] MOOC and Digital Technologies + X MOOC, we are excited to invite you to the following online events.      This webinar series is made possible with the support of Google Australia. 

[Read more about Upcoming Digital Tech Events]

Upcoming Events

generic looking technology background

We are excited to share two new webinars aligned to our newly launched Decoding Digital Technologies [Primary] MOOC and Digital Technologies + X MOOC. This webinar series is made possible with the support of Google Australia. 

[Read more about Upcoming Events ]

Future You - Inspiring kids to get excited about STEM!

Future You has relaunched its career education website to help children aged 8 to 12 understand and explore pathways to exciting and rewarding STEM careers. 

[Read more about Future You - Inspiring kids to get excited about STEM!]

Cyber Security Careers Video Playlist

connected devices in the home

Ever wondered what a Cyber Threat Analyst does, what a Lead Software Security Engineer is? Cyber Security has never been more important. There are many ways our students can become a part of this critical and exciting area with numerous career pathways to pursue.

[Read more about Cyber Security Careers Video Playlist]

Careers with Cyber Security

Cyber Security Magazine

Wondering what Cyber Security career options are available for your students?

[Read more about Careers with Cyber Security]

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