Future You - Inspiring kids to get excited about STEM!

Future You has relaunched its career education website to help children aged 8 to 12 understand and explore pathways to exciting and rewarding STEM careers.
Research tells us stereotypes about STEM careers and professionals form when children are very young. Future You aims to shift children's perceptions of STEM so they can see themselves in the STEM roles of the future.
Employment in STEM jobs is growing twice as fast as in non-STEM jobs. According to the STEM Equity Monitor, women make up almost half of Australia's workforce, but just over one in ten Australians working in STEM occupations are women.
This inequality affects us all (and not just the girls who miss out on high-paying and in-demand jobs). Lack of diversity in product development teams means we end up with products that only work for some people.
From aerospace to conservation, augmented reality to mechanical engineering, the Pathfinders series features four inspiring people who have found rich, rewarding careers across different STEM sectors. The series also provides invaluable advice on the first steps to take on a STEM career pathway.
Imagining the Future encourages children to explore future STEM careers through exciting stories written by some of Australia’s most acclaimed authors of fiction for Young Adults.
Free, curriculum-aligned teaching resources and activities for educators, families and children are available to download now. Future You is an initiative of the Australian Government's Women in STEM Ambassador, Professor Lisa Harvey-Smith.
Explore the Future You website today, www.futureyouaustralia.com.