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Upcoming Events

girl with VR headset

We have a mix of virtual and face to face events coming up this term. 

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CSER Lending Library - AI, AR and VR Kits

thank you note

We occasionally receive notes from school students and teachers that have enjoyed learning with a CSER Lending Library Kit. 

[Read more about CSER Lending Library - AI, AR and VR Kits]

Feature AI video - What is Computer Vision?

image from Youtube video by CSER

Did you know that the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that relates to human vision is called Computer Vision?

[Read more about Feature AI video - What is Computer Vision?]

Feature Lesson Plan - AR Solar System with Metaverse

AR space flashcard examples

Augmented Reality (AR) involves “augmenting” reality with layers of digital information. In Digital Technologies, applications that use AR are created to enhance a user’s experience. In this lesson, students are thinking about the ways that digital technologies, and layers of digital content, can be designed to teach someone subject matter.

[Read more about Feature Lesson Plan - AR Solar System with Metaverse]

Feature Lesson Plan - Visit Anne Frank's house via VR

screen shot of VR tour of Anne Frank's house

In this lesson plan, students are able to take a virtual tour and explore the secret annex where Anne Frank and her family hid between July 1942 and August 1944. This lesson is suitable for years 8 - 10 students and can be incorporated into history and the study of World War II.

[Read more about Feature Lesson Plan - Visit Anne Frank's house via VR]

Upcoming Event - VR in Schools - What is Possible?

Image of girl with VR headset on

Join us for our upcoming webinar on making the most of Virtual Reality across the school. Gleeson College in Adelaide were one of the first schools to borrow a CSER Lending Library Oculus VR Kit and they made the most of the opportunity using the VR equipment in creative and diverse ways across the curriculum and year levels. 

[Read more about Upcoming Event - VR in Schools - What is Possible?]

Feature Video: Augmented Reality simulations with Merge Cubes

screen shot of slide how do merge cubes work

Merge cubes are a versatile and cost effective learning tool for exploring both augmented and virtual reality. In this video, CSER Project Officer, Sue Carter, together with Helen Kardiasmenos share the fundamentals and some examples on how to get started with merge cubes in the classroom. 

[Read more about Feature Video: Augmented Reality simulations with Merge Cubes]

Aboriginal STEM Congress - student VR creativity!

Aboriginal STEM Congress 2021 conference book cover

Earlier this month, the Young Aboriginal STEM Thinkers of South Australia (YASTSA) hosted the 2021 STEM Aboriginal Student Congress. The congress provides an opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people to explore all areas of STEM and to see the connections of their enduring cultural history with the innovations of today. 

[Read more about Aboriginal STEM Congress - student VR creativity!]

Artificial Intelligence resources on the Digital Technologies Hub

robot and lightbulb

The Digital Technologies Hub (DT Hub), hosted by Education Services Australia, is full of resources to support schools with implementing the Digital Technologies curriculum. Today we are shining a spotlight on one of the many excellent resources on the Hub, particularly if you would like to know more about Artificial Intelligence. The DT Hub have a comprehensive resource outlining the key elements of AI, its connections with the Australian Curriculum, links to resources and lesson ideas, apps, games and some wonderful case studies. You will also find career examples and specific links to year level content descriptors.

[Read more about Artificial Intelligence resources on the Digital Technologies Hub]

Professional Learning Opportunities

Group of people looking at a computer screen together

We have three exciting Professional Learning opportunities to share:

[Read more about Professional Learning Opportunities]

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