Have you borrowed from the National Lending Library yet?

Have you borrowed from our CSER National Lending Library recently? Our free Digital Technologies kits provide great opportunities for students to explore, play and problem-solve with STEM within their own classrooms. Our Merge Cube Augmented Reality kits are a great example, allowing students to experience hands-on learning in an entirely new way with augmented reality technology.  

Merge Cube Solar System

Merge EDU Solar System - credit: Merge EDU

Thank you to Stephanie Rudiger, a STEM teacher at Loxton North School, SA, who recently shared how she incorporated one of our versatile Merge Cube kits into her students' learning about the Solar System. Stephanie explained, "Our students loved researching how to use the merge cubes, rather than being shown. They worked in groups to watch videos from Merge and experimented with ideas they got from the video. They then used the resources and merge cubes to create their own models of the Solar System. The students loved being able to explore and then learn with new technology." - July 2024


Merge Cube AR

CSER Lending Library Merge Cube Augmented Reality Kit

Our CSER Lending Library Merge Cube AR Kits feature a range of mixed Augmented Reality tools to provide students with the flexibility to create, explore and design in AR and VR spaces with CoSpaces, Merge Edu and a variety of apps on the iPads. Our wide range of AR, VR and robotics Lending Library kits also include a range of lesson plans linked to the Australian Curriculum, to support the use of our kits in classrooms or for schools that already have equipment but who are looking for inspiration and advice. Lesson ideas and support materials are included with each lending library kit and can also be downloaded from our Lending Library website.

Be sure to register your interest in one of our CSER Lending Library kits via our library page!

With thanks to the support of the Australian Government Department of Education. 

CSER Lending Library request

Tagged in Lending Library, AR, Merge Cube