Upcoming events in Darwin

We're excited to announce a new series of face to face workshops in Darwin - Maths Mondays in May - Term Two 2024
Looking to reconnect with teaching V9.0 Australian Curriculum: Mathematics?
Register for a free 45 min workshop from 3:15-4:00pm every Monday afternoon in May 2024, Darwin, NT.
For four weeks we will explore a maths topic and examine a range of classroom activities to enhance your teaching practice and build a positive mindset towards Mathematics.
Presenter: Sue Carter, Project Officer, CSER STEM Professional Learning Team, The University of Adelaide
Venue: Nightcliff Primary School, Cunjevoi Crescent, Nightcliff, NT 0810
This initiative is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education and is part of the Maths in Schools: Teaching and Learning Resources to Support Mathematics project.
Date | Topic | Booking Link |
Monday 13th May |
Explicit teaching the CRA way! This session will explore how teachers can use the Concrete-Representation-Abstract (CRA) model as an explicit teaching approach to provide instruction, demonstrate concepts, and build student knowledge and skills in mathematics. |
Free registration here |
Monday 20th May |
Teaching maths through problem pictures! Using problem pictures gives students another way to access maths concepts and helps them to see that maths is all around them. In this session we will explore how students can make sense of maths by identifying patterns in images and apply maths ideas to what is seen. |
Free registration here |
Monday 27th May |
Maths and literacy – time for stories! Using picture books with mathematical content can be an effective way of introducing and developing mathematical concepts. Children's literature can provide a unique and meaningful way to engage students, connect with real life experiences, and promote opportunities for problem solving, discussion and communication. |
Free registration here |
Monday 3rd June |
Let’s dive into data! We are surrounded by data in our daily lives, but do we really understand it? In this session, we will unpack different ways data can be acquired, sorted, interpreted, represented, and explore the shared focus between Mathematics and Digital Technologies. |
Free registration here |