Maths in Schools PL survey & AR Research

We'd like to hear from you!
We want your feedback on the Maths in Schools professional learning!
Take a 10-minute survey. The first 500 responses will receive a $30 Coles voucher, and everyone goes into the draw for one of three iPads!
Please access the survey, being conducted by dandolopartners on behalf of the Australian Government Department of Education, via this link.
Research into the use of Augmented Reality as a learning tool in English as Additional Language/Dialect (EALD) education
You are invited to participate in a research project being conducted by a University of Adelaide Master of Education student. Nidhi Sharma will be analysing the use of Augmented Reality (AR) as a learning tool in English as Additional Language/Dialect (EALD) education. This includes identifying the perceived value of AR use in English Language Education and their link to a traditional learning theory.
To find out more and participate please visit the survey link.