Sustainability themed library kits!

We are excited to announce we have some new library kits and lesson plans addressing themes of sustainability and climate change.
Sustainability and climate change is such an important area for our students as they will be tasked with addressing the urgent global challenges we face now and into the future. As the Australian Curriculum states, young people require the knowledge and skills to engage with contemporary issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, equitable access to resources, and preservation of cultural and language diversity. Many of the current and future developments in technology will aid in solving many of these sustainability and climate change challenges. Teachers can play a critical role in shaping a more environmentally and socially just world by equipping the next generation with the necessary tools, skills and mindsets to create a sustainable future by embracing innovation and emerging technologies.
With the support of the Australian Government Department of Education we are adding Kai's Clan kits and reintroducing Beebots and Ozobots with lesson plans focused on a range of topics including koala fire rescue missions using autonomous robots, addressing microplastics in the ocean, animal tracking, waste management and more.
Watch this space as we will be announcing some new professional learning in this space in the very near future too!
Register your interest in a library kit via our library page.