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Happy holidays from the CSER team!
On behalf of the CSER Digital Technologies Education team, we’d like to wish our wonderful community of educators and partners a safe and happy holiday season. To wrap up the year, we would like to share some 2018 program highlights with you all!
Resources: Digital Technologies & English unit ideas
We’re going to highlight some unit plan ideas generated by participants in our MOOC that might inspire a unit plan for your own classroom for 2019!
[Read more about Resources: Digital Technologies & English unit ideas]
Your stories: Jabiru Area School (NT) hosts Computational Thinking Expo
By CSER Project Officer, Suzanne Carter,
working with Holly Harlow, Classroom Teacher at Jabiru Area School.
[Read more about Your stories: Jabiru Area School (NT) hosts Computational Thinking Expo]
Position available - QLD Project Officer
We are seeking to appoint an additional QLD-based member to our enthusiastic team of Digital Technologies Project Officers, based across Australia.
CSER road trip with Celia and Toni in Victoria
CSER Project Officers support the online courses (MOOC’s) across Australia with face to face professional learning sessions. The sessions bring the Digital Technologies curriculum to life, highlighting and introducing required skills as well as exploring opportunities for integration across the curriculum.
[Read more about CSER road trip with Celia and Toni in Victoria]
Resources: research on assessment for Digital Technologies
Assessment is a hot topic at the moment! At CSER, we’ve seen a great deal of interest in professional development around assessment, as schools are starting to move from implementation to reporting phases of Digital Technologies curricula.
[Read more about Resources: research on assessment for Digital Technologies]
News: CSER team meeting in Adelaide
While our Project Officers are busy travelling to major cities and remote locations to deliver K-12 Digital Technologies professional development to teachers all around Australia, lifelong learning is an ongoing process and our team are always keen to up-skill to ensure teachers have the latest and most up-to-date professional development experiences in their workshops!
Event: free assessment webinar by CSER & Digital Technologies Hub
On the 31st of October CSER are partnering with the Digital Technologies Hub to deliver a free webinar on assessment for Digital Technologies!
[Read more about Event: free assessment webinar by CSER & Digital Technologies Hub]
CSER Lending Library is expanding!
The CSER Lending Library is about to have some new friends available to loan to schools.