News: CSER team meeting in Adelaide
While our Project Officers are busy travelling to major cities and remote locations to deliver K-12 Digital Technologies professional development to teachers all around Australia, lifelong learning is an ongoing process and our team are always keen to up-skill to ensure teachers have the latest and most up-to-date professional development experiences in their workshops!

In October this year we had the Team fly in from across Australia for a two-day team meeting at CSER Headquarters at The University of Adelaide.
The Team started with a briefing and future directions discussion from Project Lead, Professor Katrina Falkner, on the latest CSER Digital Technologies Program metrics in which the team were thrilled to hear that over 30,000 teachers have now engaged in our program, including our free MOOCs, PL-in-a-Box and face-to-face workshops!
The hands-on sessions kicked off with a workshop on Assessment for Digital Technologies by Dr Rebecca Vivian. Rebecca shared examples and approaches to Assessment for Digital Technologies. The Project Officers then worked together to brainstorm assessment recommendations for the new Lending Library lessons.
During the rest of the two-day event, the team were engaged in hands-on professional development sessions. These sessions were run by Project Officers for Project Officers! They walked one another through how to use the new Lending Library equipment (Dash and Dot, BlueBots and Micro:bits) and their lesson plans, sharing expertise, tips, links to curriculum content and pedagogical strategies.
Some of our most valuable learnings come from peers and the Project Officers valued the time to immerse themselves with the new Lending Library technology equipment and to discuss ideas and pedagogy – with lots of fun and Computational Thinking along the way!
Make sure to look at our Lending Library to find out about our latest kits.
If you’d like to work with one of our Project Officers based in your state/territory visit our free professional learning page.