Upcoming Maths Professional Learning Workshops in Darwin and Adelaide!

Maths on Mondays in Darwin: Workshop Series
Looking to explore V9.0 Australian Curriculum: Mathematics?
Register for a 45 min workshop from 3:15-4:00pm across three weeks in September in Darwin, NT.
For three weeks we will explore a maths topic and examine a range of classroom activities to enhance your teaching practice and build a positive mindset towards Mathematics. Ideal for in-service and pre-service teachers. All workshops are being held at Nightcliff Primary School, Nightcliff, Northern Territory.
Presenter: Sue Carter, Project Officer, CSER STEM Professional Learning Team, The University of Adelaide
Monday 2nd September: Explicit Teaching the CRA Way!: The Concrete, Representational, Abstract framework (CRA) combines instructional methods that can be used to teach maths effectively. In this session we will explore how to use the CRA framework as an explicit teaching approach to provide instruction, demonstrate concepts, and build student knowledge and skills in mathematics. Registration is via this free TryBooking link.
Monday 9th September: Maths Investigation: Mathematical investigations encourage students to apply their knowledge and understanding of mathematics to real world and authentic situations. In this session we will explore the maths investigation cycle, which provides opportunities to assess students’ understanding of concepts and cater to their individual needs. Registration is via this free TryBooking link.
Monday 16th September: Build a Positive Mindset: Mindsets can play a powerful role in maths learning and teaching. In this practical hands on session we will explore strategies and games that can promote positive mindsets that will enhance learning across all the strands of mathematics. Registration is via this free TryBooking link
Calling SA based educators (and pre-service teachers) to join us on campus for a maths workshop!
Monday 23rd September, 4:00- 6:00pm, : Explicit Teaching the CRA Way! The Concrete, Representational, Abstract framework (CRA) combines instructional methods that can be used to teach maths effectively. In this session we will explore how to use the CRA framework as an explicit teaching approach to provide instruction, demonstrate concepts, and build student knowledge and skills in mathematics. Join us for a fun, hands-on afternoon of classroom inspiration! Register for free via this TryBooking link.
This workshop is being held on campus at the University of Adelaide, North Terrace.
Presenter: Dr John West, Project Officer, CSER STEM Professional Learning Team, The University of Adelaide
This initiative is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education and is part of the Maths in Schools: Teaching and Learning Resources to Support Mathematics project.