CSER National Lending Library

Have you borrowed from our CSER National Lending Library recently? The CSER National Lending Library offers schools across the country the opportunity to engage with the Digital Technologies curriculum and STEM with a range of learning tools with lesson plans and user guides.
We love receiving feedback from schools who have experienced borrowing our Lending Library kits. Here is some recent feedback:
"Exceptional. It was an easy process to apply. The arrival/return of the kits was a straightforward and smooth process. The kits themselves were outstanding - the lesson plans, the equipment, and accessories were all very good and of high quality. Our small school would never have been able to purchase this equipment and provide this experience to our students." - May 2024
"It is my first year branching into STEM - so I feel like the kids needed a WOW factor to make them responsive to the change in lesson style. The Merge Cubes allowed for this with minimal preparation and allowed the students to explore and share their discoveries with others." - April 2024
"I am so glad I came across the CSER STEM Learning Library! Having access to this technology (without having to budget for new equipment) is brilliant for schools. It gives both teachers and students the chance to delve into this developing technology and explore and learn at their own pace, focused on their own interests." - April 2024

"Orange Grove Primary School is a small school of approximately 150 students in Perth, WA. We are in the early days of embarking on our Digital Technologies journey and have limited resources. The Augmented Reality kit provided our students with an opportunity to experience AR, and to learn more about AR, VR and AI. They thoroughly enjoyed this experience and went on to present an assembly about these Technologies." - March 2024
"The students loved the robots! Students developed their own maps and coded their bots through them. They also programmed them to dance in unison. They chased each other, made a symphony of songs together and we even showcased them at our parent teacher night. They were a huge hit, especially being a small school of only 62 students the access to these made a profound difference in the education we can provide." - May 2024
Be sure to register your interest in a CSER Lending Library kit via our library page!