You're invited to participate in an international survey
You are invited to participate in a research study that is examining the current state of computing education in primary and secondary schools across several different countries, including Australia.
This online survey is part of a project being undertaken by Working Group 6 "An International Benchmark Study of K-12 Computer Science Education in Schools" for the ITICSE 2019 Conference. The working group seek to answer: What are the similarities and differences in K-12 teachers’ perspectives regarding their pedagogy, practice, assessment, resources, and experiences across countries?
Through a collaborative effort, this Working Group are developing a validated teacher survey instrument and collecting data about computing education implementation and practice in K-12 classrooms. The authors will pilot the survey and analyse, compare and contrast survey findings across countries to present as part of the ITICSE 2019 conference proceedings.
The survey takes approximately 20-30 minutes with some optional questions seeking to understand the impact of professional development (PD) and teacher PD needs. Participation in this survey is voluntary and anonymous, with non-identifiable data being collected. You are welcome to withdraw at any time.
By participating in this research, you are contributing toward K-12 computer science education research and our understanding of classroom practices around the world.
Please go to the information and consent page to learn more about the study and, if interested, to complete the survey.