News: Gleeson College
Upcoming Event - VR in Schools - What is Possible?

Join us for our upcoming webinar on making the most of Virtual Reality across the school. Gleeson College in Adelaide were one of the first schools to borrow a CSER Lending Library Oculus VR Kit and they made the most of the opportunity using the VR equipment in creative and diverse ways across the curriculum and year levels.
[Read more about Upcoming Event - VR in Schools - What is Possible?]
School Story: Virtual Reality at Gleeson College, South Australia
Gleeson College, in South Australia was one of the first to borrow a CSER Virtual Reality Oculus Quest Kit from the CSER AI, AR and VR National Lending Library. They grabbed this opportunity with gusto and have been able to use the kit across multiple year levels and subject areas. Despite the pandemic, Gleeson students were able to experience virtual travel and connection with international students via their engagement in VR. Melissa O'Loughlin from Gleeson has documented their experience for us to share with the CSER community.
[Read more about School Story: Virtual Reality at Gleeson College, South Australia]