Your Stories - Our Lady of the Visitation School , SA

We received a lovely message from teachers at Our Lady of the Visitation School in Taperoo, SA, about the value of the CSER Lending Library for their students.
Our Lady of the Visitation School at Taperoo are so grateful to the University of Adelaide CSER lending library for allowing us to loan various STEM kits.
As a school new to the STEM specialist area, we have had the opportunity to borrow kits, use the resources/teaching ideas and expose our students to a number of amazing learning experiences that then allowed us to look at where we should purchase kits of our own.
The Makey Makey kits were brand new and we felt a sense of gratitude that we were trusted, as a new school to use, play and create things. We made a banana space bar, played old style games like ‘PacMan’ and played ‘Happy Birthday’ and ‘Three Blind Mice’ on a hooked up piano. Even the Grandparents loved these kits, as our students showed them what they had learnt on our big calendar day Grandparents Day.
The BlueBots were loved especially by the Junior Primary children. They coded it to move around letters of the alphabet and around materials. They also made a road maze with a carport and inside the carport was a balloon. They had to code the BlueBot to reverse into the carport and pop the balloon. Their coding skills improved dramatically using these.
So, please know that your kits have provided our students with a fun filled, rich learning environment. We are looking forward to working closely with you again in 2020. The borrowing and returning system is flawless and as full time workers makes our daily life much easier.
Tina Ida and Amelia Maddern
Curriculum leader and STEM Teacher
Our Lady of the Visitation School
Thanks to Tina and Amelia for sharing their experience with us. The CSER Lending Library is made possible with funding from the Australian Government Department of Education.